
“For I am not ashamed of this gospel about Jesus Christ.  It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes.”  Romans 1:16

We speed down the hospital hallway, each of us holding some tube keeping her alive.  The look of panic in her eyes as her life slips away breaks my heart.  With my free hand I grasp hers, cold, shaking.  She locks eyes with me and mouths for her husband, and I tell her he’s right behind.  She grips my hand desperately.  “Thank you,” she whispers.

“Jesus loves you!” I want to say.  “Do you love Him?  Do you accept His gift to forgive your sins?  There’s not much time, please ask Him into your heart!” 

But I don’t.

And her hand slowly relaxes.

The knowledge that in those precious last moments of her life I had the opportunity to share the best hope she had, and I didn’t say a word has haunted me ever since.

Why was I ashamed?  I still don’t know. 

What I do know is that Christ died for that lady.  What I don’t know is if she died knowing that.  Friends, do you understand the gravity of that? 

He calls us to be unashamed of the gospel.  We have the most beautiful knowledge on this desperate planet.  What do we do with it? 

Do we quietly live a life in accordance to His ways, hoping our pious life will provide an example to those around us?  Excuse our silence with, “Oh, I don’t want to push my religion down his throat.”  “That’s between her and God.”  “I don’t want to offend him." and “That’s her business.”?

Do we nod along with the pastor, sing the songs, pray our prayers and go home to our routines, distractions, and petty attractions that keep us spellbound?  Trusting the more committed to the work of salvation?

Do we keep silent as we hear our friends curse Him?  Desperately wanting to maintain the status quo, while cringing on the inside?

Am I unashamed? 

Do I stand proudly in front of my friends and the man holding the gun alike, testifying with power and conviction that I serve the one true God, and that without Him there is no hope of salvation?  That His character is love, and that love calls us to obedience to His absolute truth?

It’s easy to hold up a sign with a fish and declare my loyalty on social media when everyone else is doing it, but what about when I’m looking at the barrel?

Am I unashamed?

“For I am not ashamed of this gospel about Jesus Christ.  It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes.”  Romans 1:16


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