Drowning Jesus

"Save me Lord! I'm sinking!!"

Peter's desperate cry for help has resounded across the ages.  It has reminded us that God is an ever present help in trouble.  It's reminded us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.  Never get distracted.

But what if Peter responded differently? Humor my creative license in the following:

Peter shouted to Jesus, "I think it's You.  Let me come and walk on the waves too!"

"Come join Me,"  He invited.

Peter jumped over the side of the boat and landed solidly ON the water!  A few steps assured his shaking feet of safety.  That fateful moment of confidence pulls him under, gasping.  Fear.  Fear of everything but the Eternity beckoning his soul.  So he sinks, the victim of the bonds we share as sinful humans.

Jesus is beside him in a moment, hand outstretched, eyes of compassion.  Peter grasps his only hope of life, and pulls Him under.

Capping the surface, once again, Jesus reaches out to save me.  Beating back the waves of doubt and insecurity, He assures me of His power.  I thrash and strive.

"Don't you care that I'm drowning?!"  I shout above the roar.

I'm here, Evan.  Just take my hand.  And once again I kick Him down below my swirling waters.

I, the phobic of rejection, shun His safety, burying it beneath depression and doubt.  What kind of plea for help is this, to drown our Savior?

Are you, in a twisted masochistic way enjoying your misery?  Let Christ lift you up, up out of your despair.  Reach for His hand.  Let Him lift you up.


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